Alyeska Unveils Expansion Plans at Town Hall

Alyeska Unveils Expansion Plans at Town Hall

Alyeska Resort's owners laid out a sweeping vision for Girdwood's upper valley Thursday night, one of a "village", parking lots, recreational facilities, a conference center, a daycare center and other amenities.

About 150 people attended the meeting which was billed as a "town hall" meeting held amid platefuls of cookies and snacks in the weathered Sitzmark Bar, with its indigo paisley stained glass ceiling and worn, burnished booths.

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Could Girdwood's Forests Burn?  
Environment Maza Studio Environment Maza Studio

Could Girdwood's Forests Burn?  

As I sat on my back porch during the summer of 2016 , thick smoke from the McHugh Creek fire blowing through my own mature forest of trees, I began to wonder, “could Girdwood ever burn?”

Metaphysically, the answer is “yes.” Forever is a long time. The better question to ask is, “what is the likelihood of wildfire being able to spread in Girdwood?”

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