Girdwood K-8 School: ‘You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello’

By Harper Landry

TNews Contributor

The 2023/2024 school year has come to an end. At Girdwood K-8 School it was filled with learning, and more learning as well as some field trips, skiing, run for HeArt, field day, intensives, and more. 

As we spend the next three months preparing for the next school year we would like to congratulate and thank three retiring teachers. Maggie Donnelly, Dave Robinson, and Leola Rutherford.

Maggie Donnelly has been Girdwood School’s kindergarten teacher since 2011. She has coached track, cross country running, and cross country skiing during her years at Girdwood School. Before teaching at Girdwood, Ms. Donnelly taught kindergarten at Kasuun Elementary for 10 years. We will miss Ms.Donnelly greatly and we hope she has a relaxed, fun-filled retirement.

Dave Robinson was our 7th and 8th grade language arts and science teacher. He taught at Girdwood School for almost two decades and he helped coach many middle school sports for many years. He will be spending most of his time traveling, biking, hiking, skiing, and of course reading. We wish him an adventure filled retirement.

Leola Rutherford was our 6th grade teacher who recently accepted a STEM educator position with Alaska Resource Education. Ms. Rutherford excelled in teaching STEM and technology. Her knowledge will be missed at Girdwood School but we wish her the best at her new job!

Girdwood School will be welcoming in Brian Pautzke who will be teaching middle school science and Soren Wuerth who will be teaching middle school language arts. We will also be welcoming in Hailey Rose who will be the new kindergarten teacher.

The 2023/2024 school year has come to an end. At Girdwood K-8 School it was filled with learning, and more learning as well as some field trips, skiing, run for HeArt, field day, intensives, and more.  (Photo by Jon Scudder)


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